Media Space 20+ Years of Mediated Life
1 An Introduction to Media Space.............................................................. 1
Steve Harrison
In the mid-1980s, Bob Stults and I created the first media space at Xerox Palo Alto
Research Center (PARC). From our initial office-to-office always-on real-time audio and video connections grew a switched network of continuous connections for a small
laboratory split between Palo Alto, California and Portland, Oregon. Offices and public spaces had cameras, microphones, video monitors, and computers. Users were in
charge; they could turn their cameras or audio off, or focus cameras out of the window;
they could choose to connect to one person or another; however, the underlying connection was always there, with no setup, changeable with a click of a mouse button.
1993のtime-shifting media spaceの研究
2 A Brief History of Media Space Research and Mediated Life .............. 9
Steve Harrison
3 Section 1: The Social Space ...................................................................... 17
Paul M. Aoki and John C. Tang
4 Creating Assemblies in Media Space: Recent Developments
in Enhancing Access to Workspaces........................................................ 27
Paul Luff, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath,
Keiichi Yamazaki, and Jun Yamashita
5 From Media Spaces to Emplaced Media:
Digital Poster Boards and Community Connectedness ......................... 57
Elizabeth F. Churchill and Les Nelson
6 Social Catalysts for Creating Sociable Media Spaces ............................ 75
Karrie G. Karahalios
7 Privacy Factors in Video-Based Media Spaces ....................................... 97
Michael Boyle, Carman Neustaedter, and Saul Greenberg
8 Affect and Dyads: Confl ict Across Different
Technological Media ................................................................................. 123
Jamika D. Burge and Deborah Tatar
9 The Watcher and the Watched: Social Judgments
about Privacy in a Public Place ............................................................... 145
Batya Friedman, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Jennifer Hagman,
Rachel L. Severson, and Brian Gill
vi Contents
10 (Dis)connecting Cultures: The Diary of a Short
Lived Media Space .................................................................................. 177
Sara Bly and Steve Harrison
11 Section 2: The Space of Media Space .................................................... 199
Steve Harrison
12 Constructing Space ................................................................................. 205
Austin Henderson
13 Mediaspace – Meaningspace – Meetingspace ....................................... 217
Bill Buxton
14 Media Space, After 20 Years .................................................................. 233
Robert Stults
15 From Analog to Digital, from the Offi ce
to the Living Room: Why I Happily Worked
in a Media Space but Don’t Live in One ............................................... 261
N. Roussel
16 The Video Window: My Life with a Ludic System .............................. 269
William W. Gaver
17 Section 3: Communications .................................................................... 281
Steve Harrison
18 Bringing Media Spaces Back to the Streets:
Notes on the Interplay of Research on Media Space
and Mobile Communication................................................................... 287
Paul M. Aoki, Margaret H. Szymanski, and Allison Woodruff
19 Media Spaces and Mobile Video Telephony ......................................... 303
Kenton O’Hara, Alison Black, and Matthew Lipson
20 Media Spaces, Emergency Response and Palpable Technologies ....... 325
Margit Kristensen and Morten Kyng
21 Videoconferencing and Connected Rooms ........................................... 351
Austin Henderson and Lynne Henderson
22 The Halo B2B Studio .............................................................................. 357
Mark Gorzynski, Mike Derocher, and April Slayden Mitchell
Contents vii
23 Presence in Video-Mediated Interactions:
Case Studies at CSIRO ........................................................................... 369
Leila Alem
24 Build It: Will They Come? Media Spaces
in the support of Computational Science .............................................. 393
Brian Corrie and Todd Zimmerman
25 Section 4: Where Are We?
Refl ections on Media Space .................................................................... 415
Steve Harrison
26 Fast Forward: Applying Media Space Experiences
to Current Technologies ......................................................................... 417
John C. Tang
27 Refl ecting on Several Metaphors of MUD-Based Media Spaces ........ 425
Saul Greenberg, Gregor McEwan, and Michael Rounding
28 Making Contact ....................................................................................... 441
Austin Henderson
29 About the Authors ................................................................................... 443
Index ................................................................................................................. 461